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news.ORF.at: Die aktuellsten Nachrichten auf einen Blick - aus Österreich und der ganzen Welt. In Text, Bild und Video.
German  -  Alexa rank 1624
ORF Teletextaddinfo
German  -  Alexa rank 1624
Bing unterstützt Sie dabei, Informationen in Aktionen umzusetzen, sodass der Übergang vom Suchen zum Handeln schneller und einfacher erfolgen kann.
German  -  Alexa rank 17
675 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.
English  -  Alexa rank 18
New York Timesaddinfo
Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Subscribe for coverage of U.S. and international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, s...
English  -  Alexa rank 103
Find your inspiration. | Flickr
English  -  Alexa rank 171
Stay in touch! Free online calls, messaging, affordable international calling to mobiles or landlines and instant online meetings on Skype.
English  -  Alexa rank 250
Official MapQuest website, find driving directions, maps, live traffic updates and road conditions. Find nearby businesses, restaurants and hotels. Explore!
English  -  Alexa rank 862
XING ist der persönliche Begleiter für Dein Berufsleben. Knüpfe berufliche Kontakte und entdecke spannende Jobs, Events, News und Gruppen.
German  -  Alexa rank 1147
Nature Publishing Groupaddinfo
First published in 1869, Nature is the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by thought-leaders and decision-makers around the world.
English  -  Alexa rank 1591
The Economistaddinfo
The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance
English  -  Alexa rank 1786
Newsweek provides in-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics.
English  -  Alexa rank 3566
Our parents' guide goes beyond the MPAA ratings: Movies are rated according to how much sex, nudity, violence, gore & profanity they contain.
English  -  Alexa rank 99547
PHP Manualaddinfo
PHP: PHP Manual - Manual
English  -  Alexa rank 764
Verkehrsverbund Ost Regionaddinfo
Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) - Aktuelle Fahrpläne, VOR AnachB Routenplaner, Tickets und Preise für den Öffentlichen Verkehr in Wien, NÖ und BGLD.
German  -  Alexa rank 187048
Ask.com - Was ist deine Frage?
English  -  Alexa rank 59
Home - Welcome to Technorati - Technorati's start experience including trending news, entertainment, sports, videos, personalized content, web searches, and much more.
English  -  Alexa rank 17869
Das komplette Kinoprogramm und alle Informationen über Filme und Kino mit aktuellen Trailern, Kritiken und News.
German  -  Alexa rank 234907
Run your entire business with Zoho's suite of online productivity tools and SaaS applications. Over 50 million users trust us worldwide.Try our Forever Free Plan!
English  -  Alexa rank 552
Wikipedia Deutschaddinfo
Wikipedia - Die freie Enzyklopädie
German  -  Alexa rank 7
Formula 1addinfo
Enter the world of Formula 1. Your go-to source for the latest F1 news, video highlights, GP results, live timing, in-depth analysis and expert commentary.
English  -  Alexa rank 5414
BEOLINGUS: Wörterbuch - TU Chemnitzaddinfo
Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch/Spanisch/Portugiesisch (BEOLINGUS, TU Chemnitz)
German  -  Alexa rank 23330
Software-Pointers.com is a Directory of Sites relevant for Software Development.
English  -  Alexa rank 744926
Nobody knows politics like POLITICO.
English  -  Alexa rank 684
Civilization Webring Forumaddinfo
Treffpunkt der deutschsprachigen Spieler von Sid Meier’s Civilization I - VI. Hilfe - Mods - Multiplayer - Stories. Alles werbefrei.
German  -  Alexa rank 167357

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